Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday, July 27, 2015

First day of the workshop participants learned about the forces of motion. What forces causes objects to move and what forces work against motion. We discussed the accomplishments of Galileo as it related to his own investigations on gravity.  Later in the morning, participants were busy making their first physics station. Participants used, a drill press, circular saw, hammers and other tools to make their stations.The station uses Hot Wheel Cars  ® to demonstrate the relationship between the speed and the mass of an object and the force it transfers to another object. In the afternoon, we explored speed and acceleration using 2 meter ramps to record time and distance data. They timed how long it took the ball to travel the first meter then compared that data with the time it took to travel the second meter. Tomorrow, we will continue our exploration of speed and acceleration, along with circular and periodic motion.

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